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Our method also emphasizes “complete vocal sound”, embracing a balance of the two characteristic sound qualities: vocal brilliance and vocal richness/“warmth” while maintaining impeccable diction and a complete and seamless “vocal line” throughout the singer’s range.  Of paramount importance in this process is a freedom and openness of vocal production.

Our ultimate objective is to develop in each singer an aural and muscular awareness of their vocal mechanism while singing.  In that awareness, they can become self-monitoring in order to maintain their vocal technique at the highest level.

What Sets Us Apart

For over 25 years, we mentored with E.J. Remley, Kansas City’s premiere voice teacher (of over 400 students), who trained us as both singers and as voice teachers and who expressed his confidence in us as teachers capable of carrying on his legacy.  E.J. trained us to hear very critically and to recognize, analyze, communicate, and correct the wide spectrum of vocal problems of students, whether they are children or adults, beginning, intermediate, or advanced, or even full-time professional singers.   In 2007, we co-authored a copyrighted treatise on vocal pedagogy, reflecting the concepts of his method, one we have found to be straightforward, practical, and to produce significant results with singers of all ages, levels of training, experience, and ability. 

We have taught hundreds of students, many successfully competing for roles in musical theater productions, for positions in all-state and honor choirs, for superior ratings in vocal solo and ensemble contests, and for scholarships to major universities.  Most recently, however, we have worked with many professional frontline singers in Branson.

We believe that the 2 defining elements of the “complete” singer are sound and language. So, what is the “complete” singer?  To us, it means that a singer has both beautiful sound and impeccable diction (or “language”).   The singer who has secured “solid” technique and has attained both beautiful sound and great diction is truly the exceptional--or “complete”--singer.